Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Recession Proof Foods To Save You Money

Here we are, in the twentieth century, the world has advanced considerably with new technology and more awareness for the environment. Our lives should be better, right? Unfortunately it is just the opposite. The reality is, we are in a recession. Of all the wonderful things we can live without, food is not on the list; and it will never be. You can spend an exorbitant amount of money purchasing food. Be careful when shopping for food.

So, how can families stay fit, healthy, and maintain proper nutrition, while saving money? First, and foremost, all foods are healthy. It is the manner in which they are being prepared that is unhealthy. Some of these preparations strips healthy foods of their nutrition, while adding on calories. And second, all foods should be eaten in moderation...even super foods. Regardless of health benefits, a super healthy food product done wrong can be fatal to your health. Any food eaten in excess will result in serious health problems.

There are many healthy foods that are low cost and steadily stays the same prices. These foods can be purchased any season, and just about everywhere. Depending on store, local or national markets, and brand, prices may vary, but not much. Below are a list of some of the cheapest foods to be found:

Vegetables: Carrots, corn, cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, onions, tomatoes and
most herbs and spices.

Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, cantaloupe.

Grains: Rice, oats, bread, pasta.

Protein: Beans, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts.

Carbohydrate: Flour, potatoes.

The recipes inside Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, places emphasis on healthy food preparations. This makes the book a great resource, both for saving money and permanently maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The supporting web blogs and articles make this book invaluable. To find a copy of Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, order from, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Abebooks, PublishAmerica or other online bookstores.