Thursday, October 8, 2009

How To Reduce Your Risk for High Cholesterol

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. The illness is often brought on by high (LDL) cholesterol, precautions can be taken to avoid this deadly disease. A healthy diet is a great way to start reducing your risk of cholesterol. Decreasing saturated fats from your diet is a good, easy, and effective method. Keep in mind that cardiovascular illnesses can be hereditary. A simple blood test will determine the risk and levels of LDL intensity, to decide if statin drugs is needed. Medication by itself will not reduce your risk of high cholesterol.

There are two forms of cholesterol that you should be aware of: Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL (bad) cholesterol, and High Density Lipoprotein, or HDL (good) cholesterol. To avoid high levels of LDL always trim all visible fats from meats, especially red meats. If you are a smoker you should consider discontinuing. Be cautious of refined foods which has the ingredients "syrups" such as, high fructose corn syrup. Limit intake of caffeine, found in coffee, some teas and most often soft drinks. Avoid stressful situation, try meditation, any relaxation technique and some exercise.

Cholesterol keep our bodies functioning normal. Every cell in our bodies is surrounded by cholesterol, its job is to insulate nerve fibers. Insulation signals, need to travel properly, this is extremely important. Cholesterol also produces hormones, which carry signal around the body. Too much cholesterol cause heart disease. Cholesterol narrows or hardened the artery, from a build up of plaque. Weight loss is beneficial for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol. It reduces the triglycerides and raised (HDL) the good cholesterol.

To begin lowering your risk of high cholesterol, prepare meals from healthy recipes. High fiber foods, and foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are the best. Some other effective foods are: avocado, olive oil, fish such as salmon, nuts, berries, green vegetables and brightly colored ones. The cookbook Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, has a wide variety of healthy recipes. Reduce your risk of heart disease now. Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors is available at, http://Barnes& and other online bookstores.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Eat Right

Some people are blessed to the point that they can eat without gaining weight. I am not certain if this is a good thing. Whenever I gain weight, I know that something is not quite right. The first thing that usually come to mind, is the state of my health. Then, I immediately start on my Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, plan. Most of us have to work hard to keep the weight off. That is, being attentive to food intakes. I don't mind that occasionally I gain an extra five pounds. Because, with the weight increase, I am encouraged to do better, and become the best.

Eating right does not mean being overly strict. Foods should not be boring; Instead it should gives us great pleasure. The state of our healths should determine the quality of foods we consumed. Feeling good always, is a good indication that we are eating right. Healthy foods does not cause belly ache, or tiredness. Prepare foods from sensible recipes, such as the ones inside the cookbook, Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors. Eat what you love, but with moderation. Although a meal is superbly healthy, when you are full-- discontinue eating. Preparing foods from healthy, and realistic recipes will help you to maintain a fabulous diet. Therefore, you will look and feel great when you eat right.

Order your copy of Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, at Barnes& or from other online bookstores.

Have fun!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Great Breakfast Drink

Each day do you procrastinate about breakfast, or just occasionally? Many of us are far too busy to prepare breakfast. And even so, if we do, it is either not satisfying or lacking in nutrition. When we wake up in the mornings, we may not feel like having breakfast. But breakfast is a necessity. Our bodies has rested and has depleted itself of the last meal. We are required to replenish our bodies each morning. When we replenish, we will perform our daily tasks better, and accomplish more. A quick breakfast don't have to be coffee and donuts; there are healthier options.

Breakfast sorbets are quick, healthy, versatile and delicious. Try introducing them into your diets. Breakfast sorbets are great for busy families. Having to report for work at a certain time does not leave enough time for elaborate cooking. The nutritious value of many of the breakfast featured inside Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, are very high in dividend. For example, starting the day with a creamy nutritious fruit sorbet, (page 51) will make your day truly productive. A creamy fruit sorbet is easy, satisfying and filled with essential proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fabulous Foods For Less

Good food is equally important as finances. Now is the time to make the two work together, amicably. Good food gives us health, strength and energy --to earn our income. We all have to be careful with money. We need to avoid spending over excessively, on a variety of things. But if we are smart, we can make these earning go much, much further. When it comes to our grocery bill adjustment can be made. There are items which we purchase that is not a must to have.

People seemed to believe that good food cost more. From experience, good food cost less. Use plenty of fresh produce which must be obtained frequently. Fresh produce is nutritious and satisfying, therefore, we will eat less. Investigate the foods that are in season, and are locally grown, the prices are very reasonably. Use store coupons whenever you can, you will save tremendously. Meat and dairy is not always cheap, but our bodies only need moderate portions.

Also, there are other places to get proteins, like from legumes which will cost next to nothing. They are high in protein, and comes in many variety. Shop for items that are on sale and spend some time inside the store. The weekly specials is a must, for true savings. Some stores has a sales paper, carry it around as you shop. Coordinate meals, variety is best. Mix your meat, produce and staples proportionately with a wide variety of other foods. By doing this you will create a satisfying balance. you will eat less and therefore spend less. There are some great inexpensive recipes inside my gourmet cookbook, Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Every day millions of people are starting on a diet; coming off a diet; or, are planning to diet. The desire to be thin and also to be healthy, is the main motivation. People whose desires are to be both thin and healthy, will be more successful at losing weight; than those whose attempt is to fit into a bikini. Losing weight can be a challenge. Whether you are a celebrity, health professional, or health enthusiast, reducing is not always easy. Different people has different standard of weight loss. For some being five pounds over what is required medically is a good reason to start a diet. Majority of the population have to be declared morbidly obese by a physician, before attempting a diet.

As often seen in the media, rapid weight loss is irrelevant of size, age, or status. Morbidly obese people have known to lose a hundred pounds, in one year. A person who is trying to lose five or ten pounds may find it impossible. Size, age, height and body mass index should be the determining factor of how much weight to lose. Studies on rodents and animals are being updated daily. Most of these studies are very inaccurate. Provided that there are no underlying illness in existence, dieting can be easier than presumed. Because of the flood of different diets; dieters are confused of which diet to choose.

There are too many diets on the market making unrealistic, and outrageous claim of success. The majority of these diets are deceptive. Following a safe diet which is balanced with all the food groups is the simplest. Because a simple diet, does not generate exorbitant cash revenues it is hidden from the public. Following a balanced diet should be the message being sent. Inside the cookbook, Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, you will find many versatile recipes to prepare a healthy, and balanced diet. Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, is available at: Barnes& and all online bookstores. Enjoy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Make Dieting a True Success.

Are you attempting to lose weight without progress? You may be taking the wrong approach. Dieting is not always easy. Although I have had many successes in losing weight; sometimes it just isn't happening. This is not always a bad thing, because it make me more knowledgeable of what works, and what is a waste of money, effort,your time and mine. And by me reporting back to you, it will save you from being dissapointed. However, I am certain that starving oneself is the gravest dieting mistake. Why? Because starving and food deprivation will make you weak, tired, and frustrated. If you lose ten pounds on a starvation diet, you will gain twenty pounds.

The recipes inside my cookbook, Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, are sensible, versatile, and very satisfying. This make weight loss goals attainable. This cookbook will help you to lose, maintain and enjoy a flavorful, healthy and balanced diet. If we must stay healthy and keep fit, we must incorporate all the essential food groups. Prepare your meals from the recipes inside Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, practice portion control, and avoid the starvation diet. Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, is available at, Barnes and Noble .com, and Publish America.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Discover the key to a healthier lifestyle..Get "Fabulous Foods Fun Flavors" now on

By following the recipes in this cookbook entitled "Fabulous Foods Fun Flavors", you will familiarize yourself with the varieties of ingredients that blend smoothly with each other. You will be able to conjure up the flavors and aroma that you desire.

By preparing your own meals you are assured of the freshest meals possible. Whenever you eat outside the home it is never easy to estimate the freshness of your dish.

Purchase your staples and produce as frequently as possible. Avoid over storing. Busy supermarkets have a reasonable turnover, therefore, they have to replenish daily. Left-overs should be consumed within twenty-four hours of the next day. Check the expiration date on each item before you make your purchases, particularly dairy, meats, seafood, poultry, fish, and pure fruit juices. It is wise to equally check all staples and examine produce for imperfections and freshness. Look for dents on cans, torn labels etc. Check for holes inside paper and plastic wrappings.