Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Importance of Eating Healthy

I learned the importance of eating healthy, at a early age in life. Therefore, I can honestly say that great food is the foundation of life, health, prosperity and fabulous living. What would we be without our healths? As a child I knew better than to frequent the candy store. I knew of other children who would spend their summer, hanging out at the confectioners. I knew candy tasted good, but I was made aware that it would rot my precious teeth. This was enough to scare me, because I had seen people with rotten teeth, and I did not want mine to look like that. Eating too much refined sugary products is bad for health and overall well-being and appearance.

I appreciate my healthy upbringing, and will continue to strive to do all the right things to be healthy and to maintain by body, mind and appearance. I prepare all my meals from the healthy recipes inside Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors. I wrote this cookbook because I was dissatisfied with the other cookbooks; even the five star ones. Like everyone else, I have had fluctuating weight, but if I did not, I would not be able to help others to become aware of what works and do not--in the form of food, diets and nutrition. We should all love ourselves, enough to practice healthy living. Shying away from the delicious foods in which we love and enjoy will result in feeling deprived, depressed and distressed. A simplier and wiser solution is to adjust these same delicious recipes by finding a healthier method to prepare them.

A heathier solution of preparing a popular snack like popcorn, would be to Pop a quarter cup of dry kernel, in a tablespoon of olive oil, in a covered pot on the stove. This would make a nutritious satisfying snack, it would keep you full for a very long period. You could save at least three hundred calories, as the amount you eat would only be one hundred and ten calories. Compare this to pre-prepared of the same amount at over four hundred calories. This is only an example but the same preparation technique can be applied to any and all delicious recipes. When you practice preparing healthy meals, not only that you are prolonging your life but you are maintaining a good-looking and youthful appearance. When we are healthy we look and feel better and have better attitudes.

In general all food is good, but adding unnecessary ingredients take away from their goodness. Food was created to sustain us, to make us healthy, happy and strong. Therefore, the next time you are craving a delicious snack consider the healthiest alternative. The gourmet cookbook Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors provide many healthy alternatives for delicious recipes to its readers. If you are already preparing your meals for the healthy recipes inside this book, also read the frequent articles. These articles are intended to provide continious help, support and to motivate all those who aspire to live and follow a healthy lifestyle. To be notified of newly posted updates follow on, Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, can be ordered online, or at any bookstore.