Saturday, August 4, 2018

I everyone, I am very excited to be here with you. Alexandria J. Snowdon, has written her fourth book and as a person who loves and appreciate book, I am happy to be a part of the adventure. and you can be too. We are looking for book lovers to go to There you can read a free preview of each book. If you enjoy a certain book and would like to see more of its kind--leave a short review, it will be highly appreciated. However, if you love all the books as much as I do please leave a review for each individual book, and explain why you love the book. We all will be empowered with the ability to influence what is produced and what we as book lovers want for ourselves and our families. Please keep in touch and I can also pass messages on. Thank you for visiting enjoy the rest of your Summer. Love Marcia.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Art of Curbing Your Appetite

With obesity on the rise keeping slim, trim and healthy should be first on everyone's agenda; family and finance follows. Beside living a long healthy and prosperous life there are more positive benefits to being slender and fit:
(1) You are more appealing to a would be partner.

(2) Finding the right kind of employment is more likely.

(3) So is getting a promotion or a salary increase.

(4) You have the ability to move around freely without aches and pain.

(5) Great health and attractivenes boost confidence.

(6) You will be more motivated, and productive therefore, you will achieve

(7) You will have less medical expenses, and less need for medical care.

All diets do not work the same for everyone. And with the multitude of dieting advise there are just as much confusion. Many of us do not eat because we are hungry, but because of excessive cravings for food in general. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Too much stress and boredom will cause emotional eating. Therefore instead of "gambling" on diets which are always failing, or those that work temporary, practice controlling your appetite. It may not be as quick as a fad diet, but on becoming a lifestyle, you will reap the splendid rewards to resist overeating too much of anything. You will also be able to have whatever your taste bud desire without getting our of control.

Gradually controlling your appetite is an art. To achieve perfection it takes relentless and dedicated effort and discipline. Begin each day with at least sixteen ounces of water. The first thing that you eat or drink has enarmous consequences. It determined what you will have an appetite for, the rest of the day. Water is pure, cleansing and refreshing. it is also very inexpensive. Have fresh fruits or a natural fruit drink along with your breakfast. Prepare all your meals on a medium size plate. If the plate is large you will be tempted to finish everthing, although you are full. And a plate which is too small, will leave you consciously wanting more.

Begin lunch, dinner and each snack with sixteen ounces of water. Believe me, this is not too much. It is your calling card for what you will have an appetite for, throughout the day. Snack should be nuts carrots or celery stick, Popcorn is alright, provided you pop it yourself. Always rinse out your mouth after eating anything, it will help magically, and tremendously. Gradually reduce all sugar, salt and animal or trans fats these are poisons. There are enough sugars, salts, and the good kind of fats, in all the other foods mentioned. Eat enough fiber and protein with each meal. Have small portions of complex or other carbohydrates. The reason for a special diet is to train your appetite. Once you are in control you can eat everything in moderation. When your system desire less food you will be fit, strong and healthy. Amazingly you will be naturally rejecting most of the bad stuff that cause illnesses, craving and obesity, due to your new lifestyle.

The fresh taste of water inside you mouth often will give you a fresh taste for everything else.

(A) Chew your food until it liquifies.
(B) Use small eating utensils.
(C) Always take very small bites.

Continue with your excellent eating habit for at least six weeks until it is perfected. The art of curbing your appetite works for weight control, maintaining a small figure, and staying healthy at all times. The reason is because it addresses the root cause of overeating, obesity, and prevent bad eating habits. Make eating fresh fabulous, healthy and inexpensive a lifestyle; you will whish that you had started doing it sooner.

You can now download the gourmet cookbook Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors at, search Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors. This book is also available at, http// other online bookstores or order from a bookstore near you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Avoiding Stress

With the holidays approaching there will be many important decisions to be made. Arranging get-together, parties, shopping, cooking, travel and other mind boggling details, that go together with the preparations. There are also decorating, attending church services, and looking forward to a new year. But for me the most important task is keeping fit, healthy and remaining positive and focused. Great health can never be compromised. Without excellent health success at everything else is limited.

It take time, tremendous effort, and in most cases several doctor visits to combat stress. Prevention is much simpler. Not being aware of how quickly, these annoying symptoms can transform into a negative situation, make you even more vulnerable. Stressors are more prevalent around holiday seasons. All sicknesses are stress related, so is 90 percent of all doctor visits. Chronic stress can lead to fatal diseases, such as, cancer, diabetes, gum disease, depression, hypertension and much more.

Not all stress is negative. A certain degree of the stress our bodies experience, is required for healthy purposes. When produce in excess, the flight-or-flight mode respond. But in this information you are avoiding this. So, prepare accordingly. Now that you are aware of this illness here is what to do:

1)First and foremost, eat fresh, health foods from any and all varieties.

2)Be sure that each meal is well balanced and is consumed in moderate portions.
Do not over or under-eat.

3)Plan each meal a day or more ahead of time.

4)Do all of your shopping, and errands, on days when the streets and stores
are less busy.

5)have a planned budget, and a spending limit on every item or products.

6)Avoid caffeine close to bedtime and get a good night sleep.

7)If you have not had a physical in over a year, get one.

8)Whenever you are prescribed medicine, stay on them, and use as prescribed.

9)Seek out the company of those who make you happy, laugh, treat you kind; and
who you find supportive.

10)Keep away from unhappy people who are insensitive, annoying, and have bad

11)Stay physically and mentally active by eating healthy and exercising. Listen to soft relaxing music, meditate, and recite positive affirmations.

12)Be organized: select your clothing for the week in advance. keep all
household items and products always in the same place, and well organized.

By deciding not to become a victim of stress, you stay a step ahead. Focus on your joy, happiness, health, success and prosperity. And please pass this information on to someone else this holiday. If you do, you will have given a priceless gift.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Importance of Eating Healthy

I learned the importance of eating healthy, at a early age in life. Therefore, I can honestly say that great food is the foundation of life, health, prosperity and fabulous living. What would we be without our healths? As a child I knew better than to frequent the candy store. I knew of other children who would spend their summer, hanging out at the confectioners. I knew candy tasted good, but I was made aware that it would rot my precious teeth. This was enough to scare me, because I had seen people with rotten teeth, and I did not want mine to look like that. Eating too much refined sugary products is bad for health and overall well-being and appearance.

I appreciate my healthy upbringing, and will continue to strive to do all the right things to be healthy and to maintain by body, mind and appearance. I prepare all my meals from the healthy recipes inside Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors. I wrote this cookbook because I was dissatisfied with the other cookbooks; even the five star ones. Like everyone else, I have had fluctuating weight, but if I did not, I would not be able to help others to become aware of what works and do not--in the form of food, diets and nutrition. We should all love ourselves, enough to practice healthy living. Shying away from the delicious foods in which we love and enjoy will result in feeling deprived, depressed and distressed. A simplier and wiser solution is to adjust these same delicious recipes by finding a healthier method to prepare them.

A heathier solution of preparing a popular snack like popcorn, would be to Pop a quarter cup of dry kernel, in a tablespoon of olive oil, in a covered pot on the stove. This would make a nutritious satisfying snack, it would keep you full for a very long period. You could save at least three hundred calories, as the amount you eat would only be one hundred and ten calories. Compare this to pre-prepared of the same amount at over four hundred calories. This is only an example but the same preparation technique can be applied to any and all delicious recipes. When you practice preparing healthy meals, not only that you are prolonging your life but you are maintaining a good-looking and youthful appearance. When we are healthy we look and feel better and have better attitudes.

In general all food is good, but adding unnecessary ingredients take away from their goodness. Food was created to sustain us, to make us healthy, happy and strong. Therefore, the next time you are craving a delicious snack consider the healthiest alternative. The gourmet cookbook Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors provide many healthy alternatives for delicious recipes to its readers. If you are already preparing your meals for the healthy recipes inside this book, also read the frequent articles. These articles are intended to provide continious help, support and to motivate all those who aspire to live and follow a healthy lifestyle. To be notified of newly posted updates follow on, Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, can be ordered online, or at any bookstore.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Food is enjoyable, food is fun.

Eating fabulously will keep you young.

If you are considering eating right,

prepare a fabulous recipe and share a bite.

Don't let "fabulous" cause you fear

because, for your health you care.

Spend wisely, eat right.

Great health is everyone delight.

Marcia Miles (Author, Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors.)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reducing High Blood Pressure

Approximately 60 million people, both male and female are affected by hypertension. Of this number, more than one million cases are undiagnosed. Because there are no symptoms, victims are unaware that they have this fatal disease, thus, blood pressure became known as the "silent killer." If your systolic pressure is 140 and dialostic 90, you are in the pre-hypertension stage. Systolic is the top number on the measuring devise and dialostic is the number below. At 140 over 90, you should not necessarily panic; because there is a good chance that this illness can be reversed.

If you are over weight, work on reducing. As few as ten pounds of weight loss can make a significant difference in your life. An expanded waistline is a major indicator of trouble. Male whose waist measure 40 inches (102 centimeters) and waist of women 35 inches (88 centimeters) are most at risk. At this point consider a healthy lifestyle change. Follow a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. Potatoes of all varieties are proven to reduce blood pressure. Bananas and green leaf vegetables are great. Potassium is said to have blood pressure lowering properties. Therefore, get some information from your doctor of how much potassium you need to consume, to gain the maximum benefits.

When starting on a lifestyle change one of the keys to remember is: everything in moderation. Salt should be avoided Instead, use a generous blend of herbs, seasoning, spices and condiments. You will have flavorful meals without remembering that there is no salt. Although you are omitting the salts from your recipes, there is salt in can, and package goods. Read food labels carefully. There are low sodium and no-salt-added products available at your store. You should not consume more than 1500 milligrams of sodium per day, but aim for much less.

If you are a smoker gradually decrease the amount, until you have completely stopped using tobacco. Alcohol escalate blood pressure, so this should be of concern. If you stop drinking abruptly you could harm yourself. A small glass of wine per day over a period of two weeks is a good way to get off these drinks. If your hypertension increases visit your doctor regularly until it is safely reduce. Also be aware that alcohol will decrease the effectiveness of any medications you may be given. Caffeine is another culprit, but it can be also be gradually reduce to one cup per day. Be active, get some movement into your life, as part of your healthy lifestyle change. Keep busy, walk, work in the garden, cycle (this can be a stationary bike)swim. Any form of exercise that add movement will be beneficial. Know stressful situation and avoid them. Prepare your meals from the wholesome, healthy and flavorful recipes inside the gourmet cookbook Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors. And continue checking this website for other beneficial information about: food, health, budgeting and nutrition.