Thursday, October 8, 2009

How To Reduce Your Risk for High Cholesterol

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. The illness is often brought on by high (LDL) cholesterol, precautions can be taken to avoid this deadly disease. A healthy diet is a great way to start reducing your risk of cholesterol. Decreasing saturated fats from your diet is a good, easy, and effective method. Keep in mind that cardiovascular illnesses can be hereditary. A simple blood test will determine the risk and levels of LDL intensity, to decide if statin drugs is needed. Medication by itself will not reduce your risk of high cholesterol.

There are two forms of cholesterol that you should be aware of: Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL (bad) cholesterol, and High Density Lipoprotein, or HDL (good) cholesterol. To avoid high levels of LDL always trim all visible fats from meats, especially red meats. If you are a smoker you should consider discontinuing. Be cautious of refined foods which has the ingredients "syrups" such as, high fructose corn syrup. Limit intake of caffeine, found in coffee, some teas and most often soft drinks. Avoid stressful situation, try meditation, any relaxation technique and some exercise.

Cholesterol keep our bodies functioning normal. Every cell in our bodies is surrounded by cholesterol, its job is to insulate nerve fibers. Insulation signals, need to travel properly, this is extremely important. Cholesterol also produces hormones, which carry signal around the body. Too much cholesterol cause heart disease. Cholesterol narrows or hardened the artery, from a build up of plaque. Weight loss is beneficial for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol. It reduces the triglycerides and raised (HDL) the good cholesterol.

To begin lowering your risk of high cholesterol, prepare meals from healthy recipes. High fiber foods, and foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are the best. Some other effective foods are: avocado, olive oil, fish such as salmon, nuts, berries, green vegetables and brightly colored ones. The cookbook Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors, has a wide variety of healthy recipes. Reduce your risk of heart disease now. Fabulous Foods: Fun Flavors is available at, http://Barnes& and other online bookstores.

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